Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy First Anniversary to Us!!!

It was an unseasonably warm Ohio day, one year ago, that Niels and Jen became Mr. and Mrs. de Jong! Our first year has flown by. The financial crunch of two mortgages--Jen's GR condo is still for sale--has given us many opportunities to make sure we were on the same financial page. Jen's health has given Niels lots of practice in caretaking, which will be put into good use once baby de Jong arrives in December!!! Stresses aside, we took time to travel together: our honeymoon in Curacao, a trip to Vermont for a wedding, a trip to Arizona to see American mom and meet Gramma (plus a fun "just us" day to the Grand Canyon), several trips to Grand ol' Rapids and even a few local road trips around Ohio. We played host to our friends Gabe & Emily, and Gary from the Great White North, and welcomed Dutch Dad and Mom for Christmas, and American Dad, Jen's sister Liz and our godson CJ just this past weekend. We've loved getting involved with our new church family, and our friends from our new small group have spent many hours in our home. Our spiritual life has been a highlight, from the aforementioned small group, to finding a place to serve in our new church, to our daily prayers and devotions, and even leading a small group for adult children of divorce based on Jen's book. Now we know what people mean when they are more in love after marriage than before. It's been a wonderful year and we can't wait to see what year #2 has in store.

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