Wednesday, September 24, 2008

DJ's 28 week pictures

Another profile picture.

This one was fun. It looks like he was smiling at us!

We caught a kick in print!

So DJ's doing well. This was just a short ultrasound, so we didn't get his measurements. It seems like we may have another one in the future. 

I've gotten sick during the last two ultrasounds. It's getting harder and harder for me to sit upright or lay on my back for any period of time. Walking isn't that great either. I get nauseous and lightheaded and my arms and legs go numb. So we did most of both ultrasounds with me laying on my left side. 

Yesterday was a long appointment. It started with bloodwork and glucola for the 3 hour gestational diabetes test. Then the ultrasound. Then another blood draw, then the doctor, then another two blood draws an hour apart. My headache was raging pretty hard by the time we saw the doctor, which was a concern, so I had to have more blood taken as they continue to watch me for pre-eclampsia. I'm doing the ever-so-much-fun 24-hour urine test today and will have more blood drawn tomorrow. 

Niels continues to take good care of me, and of course, the most important thing is that the baby is doing well. We continue to pray that we hold off the pre-eclampsia and I can wait out the pregnancy at home. 

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