Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas, everyone! It's been an exciting Christmas so far! After my own attempt to give myself a bath, Daddy gave me my first real bath in my new tub. It felt SO nice! While Daddy was giving me my bath, Mommy had a scare. My diaper bag fell onto the stove, which was on and we started a little fire! Fortunately, it was soon put out and Mommy's new blood pressure medicine was put to good use! Now Daddy is holding me while talking to my Gramma Chi. I like to have my eyes open now and there's so much to check out! 

This picture is one of my favorites. My grampa Elmer and I dressed alike for this picture when he visited for my dedication. Hopefully today my daddy will upload some more pictures so you can see how cute I am!

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