Sunday, February 22, 2009

Daniel's first trip...part 1

Thursday, February 12, was a big milestone for Daniel. We took his first big trip, to Toronto! That's right, our first trip with our little guy was out of the country. Granted, it's only Canada, but he has a lot of traveling in his future, so we thought we'd jump right in!

The main purpose of the trip was to introduce Daniel Joel to his Joel namesake, and Joel's wife, Carolyn. We also made plans to visit our friends, the Lavenders, the de Vries, and Gary.

We had a bit of unexpected excitement on the way up. All week, I had been feeling run down. I thought maybe it was just the stress of trying to figure out how to pack and travel with a newborn. And Daniel was a little fussy on Thursday morning so I finally just threw a bunch of stuff in the car (my brain wasn't working well at this point) and figured if we forgot anything, they DO have stores in Canada! We met Niels at work and showed off our little guy to his colleague's before heading out. I was really looking forward to sleeping in the car because I was still not feeling well. Things went downhill quickly after we stopped for dinner. It was a windy day, but I just couldn't get warmed up after we settled in at Subway. And my appetite was gone. So I went out to the car to warm up. When Niels and Daniel joined me, I had the heat cranked to 90 degrees and my teeth were still chattering. Shortly after we got on our way, I lost my supper. (Thank God for Subway bags!) Finally, we decided to stop at the ER in Buffalo, NY. I was pretty sure I had mastitis, and sure enough, 90 minutes later we had drugs to go with my diagnosis.

We still made it to Joel & Carolyn's at a decent time and I immediately went to bed. I was warned that it may be a day before I start feeling better. We had pretty low key plans for Thursday, just the visit to the Lavenders, friends of mine from my "old life." I had stayed with them a few times when I was in Nashville for work. They had moved back to Canada when their first son was born. They now have a second son, Bram (rhymes with Sam). We had a fun time catching up and soaking up their parenting wisdom. This is one of my favorite pictures, with two happy moms and Bram studying Daniel.

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