Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on DJ's wall

Daniel's at a fun age where he's fascinated by mirrors. After all, there's always such a cute little guy in there! Last weekend, Niels and I went searching for a mirror for his room. We found a STEAL at a great little store by our house, The Flower Factory. The mirror we bought has an espresso and silver frame, the same elements on his crib and furniture. Best of all, we got it for $15! We love it!

Another little find was the light switch plate. We found a clear plastic one on a clearance table at Lowe's for $.99. I cut out a scrapbook page with blue ABCs and slipped it in. Voila!

The mobile reflected in the mirror is from our wedding, but we didn't get to use it. It's a globe with people from around the world, dressed in traditional clothing. There's a Native American, a Chinese, Korean, Scottish, and yes...even a Dutchie!

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