Friday, March 6, 2009

Next Project...The Dutch Bathroom

Nine years ago, when I was looking for my future townhome, I like bright white walls. My new home had all bright white walls, with one exception, the guest bath on the main floor. It had bright YELLOW walls. I almost didn't buy the place because of the color. Ultimately, I figured I could always paint it. Funny thing is, first I got used to it. Then, later on, in part to the influence of my bold-color-loving friend Sara, I started to really like the cheerfulness of my sunny bathroom. 

When we moved to our house here in Ohio, all the walls were white (actually pink-tinged primer) with the exception of two. Now everything's painted but the basement and the bathrooms. And wouldn't you know, I want a bright, cheerful guest bath. Niels has vetoed my yellow, so I'm going with my second choice, orange. Since we already have a Dutch verjaardag (birthday) calendar in their, I decided to go with a Dutch theme. Orange is the color of the Dutch royal family, so that will be the wall color. Then, when we go to Michigan this spring for Tulip Time in Holland, we'll take some pictures of Daniel among the tulips to adorn the walls. And when it comes time to sell, we'll put in some Cleveland Browns paraphenalia!

Funny thing is, as I was thinking of this project, some friends used our home (Arlington Studios) to make some film shorts used for church. Here's a link and I promise there's no correlation!

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