Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jen and Renee

Our big Grand Rapids weekend was fun for lots of reasons. Of course, showing off Daniel was a highlight. The other major event was my former roommate's wedding. Marcie's wedding turned out to be quite the reunion for a singles group I used to be part of, and since our former singles pastor was officiating, there was an impromptu gathering after the wedding at my friend Renee's house. Renee and I go back to my FCS days. She was in the merch department and I was in marketing, but my job required me to work with the buyers quite closely. Renee was one of my early cheerleaders when I started writing my book and we've had quite a few shared experiences as well. It was great to catch up with her, especially now that we're both married with children. Chris, our pastor's wife, took this snapshot, which I think captures my mood for the weekend pretty well.

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