Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Marcie's Wedding

On March 28, 2009, my former roommate, Marcie Kirkman became Mrs. Brian Johnson at a beautiful wedding in Grand Rapids, MI. Marcie and I know each other from our days with the 20Something/Impact Singles group at Calvary Church. Neither of us attend Calvary Church anymore, and the group has been disbanded for a few years, so the wedding provided quite the reunion. It was a lot of fun seeing old familiar faces, showing off my men and seeing the expanding families of my formerly single friends.

When I was single, I used to love seeing unique elements of my friends' weddings. Niels and I incorporated many of these ideas, and came up with a few of our own. Now that we're married, we like to mentally renew our vows as we watch our friends make their own marriage commitments. Something very unique about Marcie and Brian's wedding was the use of the Jewish chuppah. During the ceremony, the best man and maid of honor held up a prayer shawl as a chuppah, and each offered a private blessing over the couple, including Brian's children. It was a beautiful way to join this new family.

Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson!

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