Saturday, April 11, 2009

Passport #1...

Our little boy is not only our son, but since he has a Dutch daddy and an American mommy he is officially a dual citizen of both the United States and the Netherlands. Yesterday we took the first of many steps to get the necessary paperwork done to get all the official papers for his passports.

First stop was actually needed for his Dutch passport and registration , but since we were in downtown Akron, we decided to get 2 certified copies of our Marriage Certificate. Those, together with 2 certified Birth Certificates we got after he was born are needed for an Apostille (a simplified international notary) which is done by the State government that is in turn a requirement to get the Dutch stuff going.

The second stop was at the Akron post-office to get his US passport since that is the easy one. We got his birth certificate, my green card and mommy's passport and a filled-in DS-11 (application for a US passport). We got some new pictures for him in his latest cutesy outfit, since the previous ones were not entirely correct and $100 later we walked out with a confirmation number and in 4 to 6 weeks we should have his US passport.

For the Dutch passport, we sent off the 2 copies of the Birth Certificate and our Marriage License to Columbus for the Apostille. Once those are back, we need to get 2 more pictures and can make an appointment at the Dutch consulate in Elyria to get his Dutch passport.

To make everything completely official, we'll also send 1 of the Birth Certificates and Marriage Licenses to The Hague to get both our marriage and Daniel registered in the Netherlands.

Fun stuff... ;-)

Here's Daniel is his passport outfit. Doesn't he look ready to travel?!

Speaking of seeing the world, we were doing a little looking at Lowe's yesterday and made a great find! We've been wanting to find a play mat so we can create a play area for Daniel in the back living room once he gets a little more mobile. Something with a little gate that we can put him in to play and see him while making dinner, etc. We didn't even know Lowe's had playmats, and then we found this world map one. Now Daniel can learn where in the world all our loved ones are! (Still working on finding the gate/play yard thing, but we're one step closer!)

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