Monday, June 22, 2009

Daniel's Six Month Check Up

We just returned from Daniel's six month check up and our healthy boy is taking a well-deserved nap! After his slow start, we thought for sure that he would be in the 50th percentile for weight. He feels so big--especially after we held week-old baby Winston! Alas, Daniel is 16 pounds, 11.52 ounces--placing him at the 25the percentile. He's still making great strides since starting solids. He was in the 20th percentile at his 4 month check up. His head is 16.83", also the 25th percentile. He surprised his with his length though: 27.07"--75th percentile! Tall and skinny. Where did that come from!?

Of course, the important thing to remember is that anything on the chart is healthy, it's more important that he maintains his curve. Daniel's hitting all his milestones right on time and Dr. Hood was very pleased with his progress. He took his shots like a trooper and we're sure it helped that Mommy was waiting with a bottle of the good stuff as a reward!

All in all, our little boy is doing great, and we are very proud of him and privileged to be his parents!

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