Sunday, June 21, 2009

Next Summer's Projects

Okay, it's getting a little embarrassing, but we promise next year we'll work on landscaping the front of the house. Priorities, I guess. Niels bought our house in February 2007. We spent the summer of 2007 moving me to Ohio and planning our wedding. We spent the summer of 2008 being sick (well, me being sick and Niels having to take care of me and the house). This summer we have a little more time, but are spending our money on baby things and travel to show off said baby. summer we will be budgeting some time and money to making our front yard a little more suburban. I did buy the tulip bulbs a year ago, so we know we'll be planting those, but Niels and I are a little clueless on what else to do. American mom, help please!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hint! Put his playpen in the yard under a shady tree, and he can play or sleep in it while you pull weeds, plant perenials and annuals, lay the plastic, and fill in with cedar chips!!!!!
