Monday, July 20, 2009

red crocs

A few months ago, my sister-in-law. Kelly, sent Daniel a pair of red crocs. Daniel doesn't really wear shoes yet, but we let him try out this weekend. Since Kelly lives so far away, she couldn't have known how much I love my own red crocs. I pretty much wore them exclusively when I was pregnant. What a perfect gift!


  1. He doesn't look too sure about life in SHOES!!!! So cute! I think he has already outgrown the camoflage booties I gave him in Wisconsin....did you leave them with Kaila? STILL nothing from the post office about the dish and utinsel set I sent him....they said you STILL may get it....from April!!!!!

  2. Is that a great expression on his face!? I didn't leave the booties for Kaila, but I can send them. Crazy thing with the dishes. Maybe by the time it comes, he'll be ready to use them!
