Monday, November 9, 2009

+/- 25 Things About Being 11 Months Old

by Daniel, with help from Mommy
  1. I'm still a chunker. I'm now just under 25 pounds!
  2. I am about 31" long.
  3. I'm wearing 12 month and even some 18 month onesies and shirts!
  4. I'm wearing 12 month pants.
  5. I'm wear size 4 diapers.
  6. Mommy was having a hard time getting shoes on my feet. She was sure I was a size 4. We went to Stride Rite to get my feet measured--I'm a size 5 1/2 extra wide!
  7. Mommy found a pair of Robeez for me on Craigslist for a lot less than they cost new. Good thing. Shoes for big-footed boys like me are expensive!
  8. I've been sleeping all through the night most nights. Although I don't sleep as well when new teeth are coming through...ouch!
  9. I know have six teeth, with number seven just about to just through. I have 3 on the bottom and 3 on the top.
  10. I took my first few steps this month! One night, I decided to walk between mommy and daddy a few times. We even called Gramma Chi on Skpe and she saw me walk too.
  11. The next day, I was over it. I much prefer to walk while holding someone's hand.
  12. The jumperoo has been retired. My favorite activity is cruising around the living room.
  13. My current favorite toy is the Alphabet Pal. I especially like the yellow cord.
  14. I also love my books. My favorites are: I Love You Through and Through and My First Truck Book. I've pretty much destroyed I Love You Through and Through.
  15. Mommy has a new favorite children's book author, Leslie Patricelli. We have checked out some of her books from the library. Mommy's favorite book is Yummy, Yucky. Mommy says we need to get a copy for ourselves because I think the book is yummy!
  16. On Wednesdays, Mommy takes me to the library for baby time. We listened to stories, sing songs and then play with balls.
  17. Last week, it SNOWED during my class. I found the falling snow to be more interesting than the stories so I crawled over to the window and stared outside.
  18. Mommy has also been taking me on lots of walks at a local park. We usually take the one mile loop. She can't believe it's still 60 degrees out in November!
  19. One of my favorite things to do is to shake my head back and forth. Mommy thinks I do it because I can make myself dizzy. She also thinks I'm showing off because she can't do it without getting sick!
  20. I like to eat with my left hand and play with my right.
  21. My favorite foods continue to be cheese and yogurt.
  22. Mommy hung up the pump this month. She did a good job and made lots of yummy milk for me. My little chest freezer is overflowing and I have lots of milk...enough to last me past my first birthday. Thanks, Mommy!
  23. I'm down to 4 bottles a day. Four ounces each in the first three, and six ounces in my bedtime bottle.
  24. I've started to have a little whole milk with no problems. That will make things a lot easier when we travel next month (to Arizona to see Gramma Chi and the Netherlands to see my Dutch family!)
  25. I've tried lots of new foods this month: cabbage, kiwi, water chestnut, beef stew, green beans, beets. I like it all!
  26. As a special treat, Daddy shared a stroopwafel with me. YUM!
  27. The stroopwafel came from Auntie Jen VV, who came to visit us this month, alone with her kids, Aleena and Sienna, and Auntie Rachael, and her kids, Bethany and Hannah.
  28. I kinda have a crush on Hannah. We made eyes at each other all day and held hands.
  29. We went from a walk in the woods by our house. The leaves were so pretty. I love fall!
  30. Grampa Elmer and Carole also visited this month. Grampa Elmer helped Daddy landscape the yard and plant tulips!
  31. We traveled to Virginia this month to see my namesake, Dan Kennedy and his family. We had a lot of fun and my cousins gave me lots of love.
  32. There was a harvest party, so I got to wear my bumblebee outfit again. But it was naptime, so I didn't stay long.
  33. I also wore my bumblebee outfits at our church's harvest party and at the annual Haeufgloeckner party.
  34. I'm a cute bumblebee!

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