Wednesday, November 18, 2009

AZ Trip: Day 1

(Note: I'm actually writing this post on November 30)

Today was an exciting day. We took Daniel on his first flight. Our destination is sunny Arizona and Gramma Chi's house. We left from the Akron-Canton airport, flew to Detroit, and after a short layover, flew on to Phoenix. Gramma Ann's early Christmas gift to us was a private shuttle from the airport to Mom's door in Wickenburg.

We had been a little nervous about flying with a child, especially transporting my frozen breastmilk. It turned out to not be a problem. We did end up checking a bag, so I put my milk in there and alerted the bag checker. (Fortunately, the bag arrived with us!). We also brought 2 bottles of milk with Daniel's diaper bag. They checked both the milk and Benedryl (which we were also able to bring in over the regular 3 oz limit) by waving a little stick over the open containers. Glad to know my milk doesn't give off any toxic fumes. We were also happy that Delta allowed us to gate check Daniel's umbrella stroller and car seat for free.

First trip in the airport shuttle

These beads made by Zach Kennedy several years ago provided the best toy for the trip.

Getting ready to board.

Daniel did really well on both flights. The first was just 26 minutes in air. It was at his normal dinner time, so we fed him veggies, cheese and crackers during the flight. We also gave him a bottle to help his ears popped, and learned a valuable lesson: Don't give him the bottle until after we take off. He drinks too fast! Fortunately, we had two bottles, one of milk (which he guzzle) and one of water, which served the intended purpose of popping his ears. After the flight, we got several compliments from the flight crew and other passengers about how good he was. (Insert beaming parent face here!). And he got a little certificate signed by the pilot and crew.

Daddy and Daniel check out the window view.
I don't know who enjoyed himself more...

We had dinner at Max & Erma's for dinner. Daniel was all about the menu.

We changed Daniel into his PJ's before the second flight. We also walked him around the gate before we boarded as we talked about tuckering him out before the flight. No one wants to sit by a crabby baby on a 4 hour flight! Daniel worked his charm on the other passengers, of course.

Just before we took off, we gave Daniel a little Benedryl. The flight was at 8, his normal bedtime. The Benedryl worked like a charm, and Daniel slept the whole flight in Daddy's lap. Good boy!

We had no problems getting our luggage, and fortunately, we had just enough arms and hands to lug a car seat, stroller, baby, duffel bag, diaper bag and extra bag for Daniel. Our ride arrived within minutes of our call and we were off to Wickenburg. Daniel was pretty gracious about being woken up, and quickly settled into his new car seat. (We bought a cheaper seat for travel. It went in Niels' car when we got back home).

We made it!
Gramma Chi was waiting up for us when we arrived around midnight--2 am to us Easterners. Daniel charmed Gramma for a little while before falling asleep in the pack 'n' play she had waiting for him. (Thanks, Mom, for letting us have your room!) As soon as Daniel was asleep, the rest of us quickly followed.

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