Thursday, December 24, 2009

Holland: Day 7 and 8 (December 23 / 24)

When I'm posting this one it is one of those blessed nights of the year in the US, Christmas Eve. Funny thing is that here in the Netherlands it's not a big deal at all. Christmas day (Dec 25) and Boxing day (Dec 26) are a far bigger deal and we also don't see too much of the last minute rush for shopping. The latter is due to the fact that on Dec 5 it is Sinterklaas where traditionally most of the gift-giving is taken place in the Netherlands.

But let's see what we did over the last two days here in the Low Lands...

Yesterday we slept-in and didn't get breakfast until about 10am... So nice to have grandparents taking care of the little one. Speaking of the little one, he's walking back-and-forth across the living room on both carpetted and tile surfaces. It's fun to watch his walking confidence level grow. Wednesday Dad, Jen and myself went shopping for Dad's new home cinema set (minus the TV, which he already has). We went to a couple of stores, ranging from discounters, to big-box stores to smaller mom-and-pop specialty stores. During most of the shopping time Jen went to the toy stores next door while the guys were checking out the goodies. In the end (after about 6 hours, incl a nice lunch) we found a new receiver, blu-ray player, speakers and universal remote for dad which the guys took the rest of the night hooking-up. We christened the new set by watching WALL-E. Very nice, but a pretty late and short night since on Thursday (Dec 24) we had an appointment at 8:30am for her 20 week ultrasound (called an echo here).

The next morning Niels' sister and baby-daddy picked us up and we had the pleasure of watching a very health baby [boy/girl] growing and developing. Mommy and Daniel took a nap after we got home and unfortunately Jen woke up with a pretty bad headache. What's a holiday without either some drama or some sickies... (or snowstorm in the Midwest)?

We still did some shopping at a local equivalent of a Meijers store and on the way back both Jen and Daniel fell asleep some of which continued at home. Dad and Niels went to the Dad's store to print our Dutch Christmas card photos and frame a family picture for Oma as her present.

Now it's closing in on 8pm and we have 'Merry Madagascar' cued-up to watch as we will have an early night to take Oma to Church tomorrow.

Prettige Kerstdagen!

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