Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010 is in the books

In the first few minutes of Mother's Day, Niels gave me my cards from him and Daniel. Daniel's card had trains and bears: two of his favorite things! (For the record, I also had beautiful tulips delivered to me on Thursday!) Turned out that the early card-giving was a good plan since the rest of the day didn't go quite according to plan.

After a restful night's sleep, Niels left early to run lights at church. Daniel and I followed a bit later, for the first service at 8:30. I wasn't feeling very good, but figured it was just the rush of getting Daniel up and out. I joined Niels at the lighting console and we chatted a little about his plans for us for the day. Last year, we went to Stan Hywet, and I had a great time taking pictures of my favorite boys. I wanted to do something as a family, so Niels suggested the Cleveland's Children's Museum. I quickly looked up the site on my Blackberry and approved.

After the first couple of songs, I noticed that I was feeling nauseous and light-headed, so I put my head against Niels and closed my eyes. The nausea got worse, so I rushed to the bathroom. When I was done, I started wandering around trying to find something to settle my stomach. I was getting more dizzy and cold! A friend from the nursery (where I just started volunteering) saw me and sat me down in one of the chairs and covered me with several blankets. Someone else got me some 7-Up and something to eat. Niels was told that I was ill, but couldn't do anything until after the service.

The next thing I remember, I was at home in the China room and Niels was home. Apparently, one of our friends drove me home and stayed with Daniel (who was also sleeping) and I until Niels got home around one. I had another brain injury "crash."

So, we made plans to watch TV in bed. I still wasn't very hungry, though I wanted cake, which Niels' got for me to celebrate the day (yummy almond, always reminds me of our wedding!). I also had some crackers and grapes. When I was finally feeling a little better, we called my mom to wish her a happy mother's day.

She talked to Niels, and after listening to his tale of the morning, she suggested we call my OB (No, I'm not pregnant! But I have had some other as-of-yet unexplained things going on!). After he talked to Niels, he told us to go the ER and he would meet us there. So we found some friends to watch Daniel (thank you, Swains!) and headed to the ER.

I had another episode at the ER and aphasia (loss of the ability to talk) kicked in. Fortunately, the doctor had already let them know what was going on so we got back to my room pretty quickly. I had a lot of blood taken and an exam and then we waited.

The good news is that I didn't have the serious infection or anemia that the doctor feared and we were able to go home. The bad news is that we still don't know what is causing the underlying problems. I have another thing with my OB on Thursday and then we'll wait for the results, and hopefully some answers.

We picked up Daniel and his sweet smile made me feel much better. He fell asleep on the way home. Niels and I camped out in the China room again, and he made grilled cheese sandwiches and soup for us both. We watched Because I Said So, which is one of my favorite movies.

We called it an early night, and I call myself very blessed to have two wonderful guys in my life.

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