Our church just finished a series on marriage. I was very humbled to have been asked to offer input and feedback based on my experience as an author. We have also been asked to be part of the church marriage team. Driving home, God brought to mind how I have prayed that "someday" I would be involved in marriage ministry with my husband. God is so good!
As part of the series, the marriage team developed a "5 great dates" booklet with suggested activities and resources. (A quick plug for the original Great Daters, Dave & Claudia Arp). We've decided to use our anniversary
date to do each "date" for the next few months. Should be fun!
The big news of the month is that my condo is officially back on the market. I tried to sell it on my own over the winter, but alas, no luck. So we spent Valentine's weekend in Grand Rapids, working feverishly with Brooke and Andy, our caretakers/renters, cleaning, painting, de-cluttering and generally staging. If you know anyone looking for a great deal (we dropped the price...again), click on the link above.
Cool seven tulips artwork from InglesArt.net